Club Service Detail

Bidhannagar W. Bengal


RC Bidhannagar Organised the Annual Picnic of our Rota School on March 2nd where 65 underprivileged students participated.

RC Bidhannagar Organised the Annual Picnic which held at Rota School on March 2nd. This year, we welcomed 65 underprivileged students from the school to join us for a day filled with joy and excitement. The event kicked off at 9:00 AM and continued until 5:00 PM, offering a delightful array of activities and experiences for the children. Our generous provisions included a delicious breakfast and lunch, ensuring everyone had plenty of energy for the days festivities. In addition to traditional games and playtime, we arranged for a magician to entertain the children with mesmerizing tricks. Furthermore, we treated them to a selection of short movies, complete with engaging visuals and lively storytelling, all designed to bring smiles to their faces