Club Service Detail

Amelia Kolkata


TRISHNA- Water Cooler installation

16-07-2023, RC Amelia installed One water Cooler at our RCC –MCS Institution at Harinavi. This purified water used for Children of Sri Vivekananda Sishu Niketan School .It was environmental friendly. There are several conveniences that come with owning a water cooler. The first is that water becomes more accessible, you can easily fill yourself a glass of water. we already know drinking plenty of water directly affects our health and immunity. They can filter impurities out of tap water.It was a long demand of Our RCC. Secretary & In charge of the underpriviledged School.Drinking pure water increases the attention span among children and research suggests it helps improve their retention capacity. Protects from water-borne diseases: Drinking pure water is not only vital for the physical and mental development of your child, but also protects them from many water-borne-diseases.