Club Service Detail

Kolkata Benevolence



Ujaan as the name suggests connotes the aspiration of women to envision gender neutral and egalitarian society. How can we do so could without equalising women in terms of health and financial independence, amidst many other factors. Menstrual health & hygiene is the less talked about subject, as this is equated with social taboo which hinders the mobility of girls and women and thus affecting them at all stages of life and across all echelons of the society. RC of Kolkata Benevolence has taken up project Ujaan to create educators for menstrual health & hygiene and also to make accessible low cost, good quality sanitary napkin accessible to the unreached at village level. *Rotary Club of Kolkata Benevolance* has launched on 26th August,2023 low cost sanitary pad named *Ujaan* to empower women by supplying them with a consignment of 50 sanitary napkin packets to 10 benefeciaries to start the business of social marketing at their own community. The initial investment done by the club will be rolled back which will help the women to purchase the following consignments of Ujaan napkin. The impact of this programme will be many fold - creating educators for menstrual hygiene, making sanitary napkin available to rural women and financially empowering the rural marketers. The circle of Ujaan Bahinis will gradually increase with continuous support from the Club.