Club Service Detail

Calcutta Victoria W. Bengal


Awareness 0n Thalessemia

Project was held on 20th August at Uttarpaddjala under Prantik Mahila Samity in the premises of Radha Gobind Mandir. This place is a few kilometers away from our RCC at Kanthalberia . Rotarians present were Gayatri Dhar, Sarah & Rakesh Macwan, K.K.Jha, Shubhojit Roy Chowdhary and Vinita Dutt. Dr. Hom Chowdhary was picked up by Mr and Mrs Macwan. The program started at 2.45 pm and as the villagers started coming in Dr Choudhury continued his program. He mentioned that when a couple gets married and before they start a family they should get their tests done to know if any one of them are a carrier, as chances are that the child born will have Thalessemia. He propagated the importance of tests and treatment as it is an expensive treatment and the child will have a short life if left untreated.

Project Covered in Media

Rotarians at the Project